The Phoenicians, Greeks and Persians lined drinking vessels with silver to preserve water. The Russian army used this same tactic during the Napoleonic Wars, WWI and WWII.

The ancient Romans used silver as an ingredient in medical plasters.

Medieval royalty ate with silver utensils, plates and cups for health reasons.

The saying “born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth” was more a reference to health than wealth, though it was primarily wealthy people that could afford the luxury of ensuring their child’s health by feeding them with silver spoons and even using silver pacifiers.

American pioneers put silver dollars in their milk jugs and stored their silverware in their water barrels to make their milk and water last longer.

Throughout the middle ages and into the 20th century pure silver was inserted into battle wounds to speed healing.

Silver Shield is a powerful support to the immune system, making it a perfect natural supplement to have on hand for the winter months.

This safe, effective product is made using a patented process, resulting in potent and pure immune support.

Silver Shield is non-toxic.

It can be used externally or internally (as a gargle or swallowed) and it is tasteless.


Truly this is a versatile product!

Get your season’s supply of  Silver Shield today at Clermont Wellness Center.